Climbing type/Normal

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A listing here under this categorisation is intended as a very rough guide only. Climbers are encouraged to always assess local conditions before choosing to climb at a particular location.

These are crags that should pose few difficulties to the competent climber and have all, or most, of the following characteristics:-

  • Access may not be particularly easy and is not likely suitable for families with children.
  • Routes are predominately in the mid to lower grades.
  • Of the few objective dangers, they are all manageable by experienced and competent climbers.
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There are 211 Normal type crags recorded on this wiki

 Has crag nameMain AreaSub AreaHas Rad restriction URLLat/Long
Morfa Bychan and PendineMorfa Bychan and PendineCarmarthenshire, -4.569089
Telpyn Point - AmrothTelpyn Point - AmrothCarmarthenshire, -4.629388
Anemone WallAnemone WallGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565471, -4.101229
Barland QuarryBarland QuarryGowerCaswell Bay to Mumbles, -4.0580303
Below East Gully GrooveBelow East Gully GrooveGowerThurba to Overton51.550047, -4.256228
Black ButtressBlack ButtressGowerRhossili51.565474, -4.302656
Black Hole CragBlack Hole CragGowerThurba to Overton51.544282, -4.241060
Black Streak CragBlack Streak CragGowerThurba to Overton51.543546, -4.229663
Black WallBlack WallGowerRhossili51.569264, -4.294105
Block ButtressBlock ButtressGowerRhossili51.561053, -4.282313
Boiler SlabBoiler SlabGowerThurba to Overton, -4.236298
Bosco's Den AreaBosco's Den AreaGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du, -4.080095
Bowen's ParlourBowen's ParlourGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.561823, -4.082703
BucketlandBucketlandGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.562304, -4.079205
Burry HolmsBurry HolmsGowerNorth Gower51.608717, -4.312907
Calcite BayCalcite BayGowerRhossili51.564993, -4.304148
Carbon SlabCarbon SlabGowerRhossili51.563995, -4.305359
Castaway CoveCastaway CoveGowerRhossili51.569045, -4.295540
Caswell BayCaswell BayGowerCaswell Bay to Mumbles51.568715, -4.036611
Catacomb GullyCatacomb GullyGowerRhossili51.561289, -4.281652
Cathedral WallCathedral WallGowerRhossili51.561308, -4.284839
Cathole CaveCathole CaveGowerThree Cliffs and Pobbles51.5898992, -4.1123902
Crab Island CragCrab Island CragGowerCaswell Bay to Mumbles51.56463, -3.99835
Crag PCrag PGower
Crawley Woods RocksCrawley Woods RocksGowerTor Bay and Great Tor51.570694, -4.1388014
Cwm Ivy TorCwm Ivy TorGowerNorth Gower51.623789, -4.261869
Deep CutDeep CutGowerTor Bay and Great Tor
Devil's CwmDevil's CwmGowerThurba to Overton51.547428, -4.249505
Devil's TruckDevil's TruckGowerRhossili51.561764, -4.287420
Engine Room SlabEngine Room SlabGowerThurba to Overton51.542514, -4.235688
Eos ZawnEos ZawnGowerThurba to Overton51.549400, -4.252918
Equal Opportunities WallEqual Opportunities WallGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565703, -4.098700
Evening WallEvening WallGowerRhossili51.565597, -4.303813
Fat Lady WallFat Lady WallGowerRhossili51.564042, -4.304955
Fetlock ZawnFetlock ZawnGowerThurba to Overton51.548528, -4.250472
First CornerFirst CornerGowerTor Bay and Great Tor51.570220,-4.119210
First SisterFirst SisterGowerThurba to Overton51.555300, -4.265838
Foxhole CoveFoxhole CoveGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.564963, -4.092269
Giant's CaveGiant's CaveGowerRhossili51.561734, -4.288136
Golden WallGolden WallGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.562057, -4.080948
Graves End EastGraves End EastGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.558051, -4.063488
Graves End WallGraves End WallGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.558370, -4.065578
Great Tor ProperGreat Tor ProperGowerTor Bay and Great Tor, -4.122941
Grey WallGrey WallGowerRhossili51.561926, -4.279876
Hairy Dog WallHairy Dog WallGowerRhossili51.561910 -4.286631
Heatherslade BayHeatherslade BayGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.564105, -4.088588
High PennardHigh PennardGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.558755, -4.066858
High SlabHigh SlabGowerTor Bay and Great Tor51.570572, -4.119365
Hollow TopHollow TopGowerThurba to Overton51.549568, -4.252035
Holys Wash ButtressHolys Wash ButtressGowerOxwich51.546538, -4.168107
Horses CliffHorses CliffGowerThurba to Overton51.548562, -4.250826
Jacky's TorJacky's TorGowerRhossili51.561250, -4.285503
Juniper WallJuniper WallGowerThurba to Overton51.549429, -4.253615
Keel ButtressKeel ButtressGowerRhossili51.566325, -4.302128
King WallKing WallGowerRhossili51.561742, -4.289088
Kitchen CornerKitchen CornerGowerRhossili51.563678, -4.306523
Lewes CastleLewes CastleGowerRhossili, -4.289296
Lifebuoy ButtressLifebuoy ButtressGowerRhossili51.566113, -4.301817
Little Arched SlabLittle Arched SlabGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565632, -4.098424
Little BlockLittle BlockGowerRhossili51.562028, -4.286222
Longhole Cave ButtressLonghole Cave ButtressGowerThurba to Overton51.543001, -4.234897
Longhole CliffLonghole CliffGowerThurba to Overton51.542067, -4.230999
Marble ArchMarble ArchGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.562060, -4.084331
Mermaid WallMermaid WallGowerRhossili51.568416, -4.298232
Mewslade Short WallMewslade Short WallGowerRhossili51.562032, -4.278316
Molar Wall and White EdgeMolar Wall and White EdgeGowerRhossili51.561316, -4.283165
Monty's SlabMonty's SlabGowerTor Bay and Great Tor51.570162, -4.119346
North Hill TorNorth Hill TorGowerNorth Gower, -4.236871
Odin's CaveOdin's CaveGowerTor Bay and Great Tor51.568967, -4.121902
Odin's WallOdin's WallGowerTor Bay and Great Tor51.5689669, -4.1217401
Oxwich PointOxwich PointGowerOxwich51.543053, -4.156058
Oxwich QuarryOxwich QuarryGowerOxwich, -4.149905
Paviland Far Far WestPaviland Far Far WestGowerThurba to Overton51.5508372, -4.2568414
Paviland Main CliffPaviland Main CliffGowerThurba to Overton, -4.255659
Paviland Way Out WestPaviland Way Out WestGowerThurba to Overton51.550892, -4.258066
Pennard ButtressPennard ButtressGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.559764, -4.068604
Platform AreaPlatform AreaGowerRhossili51.56528, -4.30439
Port Eynon CavePort Eynon CaveGowerThurba to Overton51.537225, -4.210449
Poser ButtressPoser ButtressGowerRhossili51.564773, -4.304904
Prawn ZawnPrawn ZawnGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.561819, -4.083517
Pwll Du BayPwll Du BayGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.562591, -4.059829
Quartz CornerQuartz CornerGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.561697, -4.077738
Rams Grove CragRams Grove CragGowerThurba to Overton51.556590, -4.267076
Rams Grove Seaward CragRams Grove Seaward CragGowerThurba to Overton51.556076, -4.267799
Ravens Cliff GullyRavens Cliff GullyGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565561, -4.098614
Red ChamberRed ChamberGowerThurba to Overton51.557349, -4.271506
Retribution WallRetribution WallGowerRhossili51.567155, -4.300356
Rolly Bottom ButtressRolly Bottom ButtressGowerRhossili51.561792, -4.284171
Saddam's WallSaddam's WallGowerThurba to Overton51.557763, -4.264955
Seamen WallSeamen WallGowerRhossili51.569174, -4.296596
Seaspit Small CoveSeaspit Small CoveGowerThurba to Overton51.553422, -4.259691
Second SisterSecond SisterGowerThurba to Overton51.555061, -4.265686
Shallow CutShallow CutGowerTor Bay and Great Tor
Sheepbone WallSheepbone WallGowerRhossili51.567190, -4.300633
Shipwreck CoveShipwreck CoveGowerRhossili51.56896, -4.29483
Shire Combe ButtressShire Combe ButtressGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565584, -4.102537
Silent Fright ButtressSilent Fright ButtressGowerRhossili51.565188, -4.303595
Silent WallsSilent WallsGowerRhossili51.565321, -4.303461
Sinners WallsSinners WallsGowerRhossili51.564559, -4.304656
Sister 2 and HalfSister 2 and HalfGowerThurba to Overton51.554436, -4.264437
Stalking Horse ZawnStalking Horse ZawnGowerThurba to Overton51.548705, -4.251479
The AisleThe AisleGowerRhossili51.561474, -4.284079
The Great TowerThe Great TowerGowerHeatherslade to Pwll Du51.558276, -4.066419
The KnaveThe KnaveGowerThurba to Overton51.552871, -4.263013
The ProwsThe ProwsGowerRhossili51.561468, -4.284275
The PulpitThe PulpitGowerThurba to Overton51.561432, -4.284452
Third SisterThird SisterGowerThurba to Overton51.554057, -4.263057
Thurba EastThurba EastGowerThurba to Overton51.558083, -4.274400
Thurba East GullyThurba East GullyGowerThurba to Overton51.557709, -4.272306
Thurba WestThurba WestGowerThurba to Overton51.560998, -4.278393
Tooth FairyTooth FairyGowerThurba to Overton51.553687, -4.262429
Tor GroTor GroGowerNorth Gower51.621189, -4.227353
Trial WallTrial WallGowerRhossili, -4.300424
Trident Gully and RidgeTrident Gully and RidgeGowerRhossili51.561135, -4.281924
Upper Blackhole CragUpper Blackhole CragGowerThurba to Overton51.544457, -4.241541
Upper Jacky's TorUpper Jacky's TorGowerRhossili51.561781, -4.284720
Utopia SlabsUtopia SlabsGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565793, -4.099682
Watch House EastWatch House EastGowerShire Combe to Southgate, -4.094245
Watch House SlabWatch House SlabGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565784, -4.096438
Wedge WallWedge WallGowerRhossili51.566653, -4.300759
West TorWest TorGowerTor Bay and Great Tor51.570017, -4.129828
White CoveWhite CoveGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565481, -4.100271
White EdgeWhite EdgeGowerShire Combe to Southgate51.565675, -4.097373
White PillarWhite PillarGowerThurba to Overton51.546657, -4.247710
Windy ButtressWindy ButtressGowerRhossili51.564384, -4.304897
Yellow ButtressYellow ButtressGowerThurba to Overton51.547746, -4.249204
Zero GullyZero GullyGowerRhossili51.561113, -4.280994
Bridge CliffBridge CliffInland LimestoneCefn Coed -3.4014836
Castle Upon AlunCastle Upon AlunInland Limestone51.466967, -3.571838
Cefn Coed - EastCefn Coed - EastInland LimestoneCefn Coed -3.3984702
Cefn Coed - WestCefn Coed - WestInland LimestoneCefn Coed -3.4002147
Cheesy Rider AreaCheesy Rider AreaInland LimestoneDinas Rock, -3.577147
Craig Y CastellCraig Y CastellInland LimestoneLlangattock51.842509, -3.187568
Craig Y Castell Western ExtensionCraig Y Castell Western ExtensionInland LimestoneLlangattock51.842784, -3.2052583
Darren FawrDarren FawrInland Limestone51.78095, -3.4201791
Dinas - Main SlabDinas - Main SlabInland LimestoneDinas Rock, -3.577719
Ifton QuarryIfton QuarryInland Limestone51.596172, -2.7799630
Inflated Roundhead AreaInflated Roundhead AreaInland LimestoneDinas Rock, -3.576814
Kennelgarth WallKennelgarth WallInland LimestoneDinas Rock, -3.574461
Lower Cave AreaLower Cave AreaInland LimestoneDinas Rock, -3.573455
Secret Taffs WellSecret Taffs WellInland Limestone51.538584, -3.2598406
Taffs Well WestTaffs Well WestInland Limestone, -3.267939
Twynau Gwynion QuarriesTwynau Gwynion QuarriesInland Limestone51.78468, -3.358695
Abbey ButtressAbbey ButtressSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.584990, -3.763139
AbertysswgAbertysswgSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.735796, -3.249022
Apple Tree ButtressApple Tree ButtressSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.611305, -3.763952
BargoedBargoedSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.696600, -3.228714
Blaen Bran QuarryBlaen Bran QuarrySandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.666830, -3.0645365
BlaengwynfiBlaengwynfiSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.657644, -3.598834
BlaenllechauBlaenllechauSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.661308, -3.4409201
Brombil Woods CragBrombil Woods CragSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.571668, -3.7466651
Cefnstylle QuarryCefnstylle QuarrySandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.646625, -4.064993
Cilfrew Main CragCilfrew Main CragSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.682792 -3.7866968
Cilfrew Outlying AreasCilfrew Outlying AreasSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.681700, -3.7878626
Cilfrew Ravens CliffCilfrew Ravens CliffSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys, -3.7863256
Clydach Vale Bogmonster QuarryClydach Vale Bogmonster QuarrySandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.628019, -3.488374
Clydach Vale Cambrian QuarryClydach Vale Cambrian QuarrySandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.63232, -3.477354
Cox's QuarryCox's QuarrySandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys, -3.133614
Craig AlltachamCraig AlltachamSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.7277693, -3.8495376
Craig CwmCraig CwmSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.729960, -3.911298
Craig y Pal-GlaisCraig y Pal-GlaisSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.688471, -3.872254
Crosskeys QuarryCrosskeys QuarrySandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.632510, -3.124430
Crymlyn QuarriesCrymlyn QuarriesSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.686193, -3.136350
Cwm CapelCwm CapelSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.695810, -4.2429346
Cwm DimbathCwm DimbathSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys, -3.5149399
CwmafanCwmafanSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.602904, -3.779051707
Cwmaman MainCwmaman MainSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.684590, -3.4376907
CwmcarnCwmcarnSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.638413, -3.129065
DeriDeriSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys, -3.256872
Dyffryn Woods CragDyffryn Woods CragSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys, -3.84168
Ferndale Lower QuarryFerndale Lower QuarrySandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.666043, -3.4557306
Ferndale MainFerndale MainSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.662003, -3.455565
Ferndale RightFerndale RightSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.663609, -3.455277
GelliGelliSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.640823,-3.4725460
GelliwastadGelliwastadSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.695131, -3.914317
Glyn QuarryGlyn QuarrySandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.689108, -3.0746536
Graig FawrGraig FawrSandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys51.566960, -3.734944
LlandarcyLlandarcySandstoneSandstone Far Western Valleys, -3.8581428
LlwynypiaLlwynypiaSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.633693, -3.4577067
Mount PleasantMount PleasantSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys, -3.326186
Mountain AshMountain AshSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.677583, -3.364094
Mountain Ash Natural ButtressMountain Ash Natural ButtressSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.677728, -3.3644959
Navigation Quarry - CilfynyddNavigation Quarry - CilfynyddSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys, -3.320671
New TredegarNew TredegarSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys, -3.221367
OakdaleOakdaleSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.682348, -3.1808342
PenalltaPenalltaSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.645867, -3.246825
Punk RocksPunk RocksSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.608452, -3.4174748
RidgewayRidgewaySandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.629326, -3.2015920
Sirhowy - Quarry MawrSirhowy - Quarry MawrSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.612307, -3.1502545
Space MountainSpace MountainSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys, -3.5707
The DarrenThe DarrenSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.6115613, -3.344559
The FarmThe FarmSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.63641, -3.48814
The GapThe GapSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.65793, -3.330898
TrebanogTrebanogSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.601966, -3.425766
TrehafodTrehafodSandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.611946, -3.383923
Treherbert QuarryTreherbert QuarrySandstoneSandstone Western Valleys51.667596, -3.538399
TroedyrhiwTroedyrhiwSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.707666,-3.337441
Tyle y CochTyle y CochSandstoneSandstone Eastern Valleys51.654088, -3.135846
Upper Mountain AshUpper Mountain AshSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.692585,-3.3699891
YnysboethYnysboethSandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.659750, -3.336697
Ynysybwl Upper QuarryYnysybwl Upper QuarrySandstoneSandstone Central Valleys51.640394, -3.3514867
Cave InletCave InletSouth CoastTemple Bay Inlets51.441406, -3.6040641
Costa del MajorCosta del MajorSouth CoastLlantwit Coast51.393078, -3.480009
Every Persons WallEvery Persons WallSouth CoastTemple Bay Inlets51.441437, -3.604335
First InletFirst InletSouth CoastTemple Bay Inlets51.441603, -3.606109
Playtime WallPlaytime WallSouth CoastTemple Bay Inlets51.441493, -3.60347
Second InletSecond InletSouth CoastTemple Bay Inlets51.441395, -3.604864
Sully IslandSully IslandSouth CoastBarry Area51.396153, -3.199511
The Long WallThe Long WallSouth CoastTemple Bay Inlets51.4414281, -3.6037531
Witches CaveWitches CaveSouth CoastWitches Point51.4421271,-3.605996
Witches TipWitches TipSouth CoastTemple Bay Inlets51.441733,-3.606431