Morlais Quarries

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Morlais Quarries
Cimber on Arisk. Photograph courtesy of Mark Salter
Cimber on Arisk. Photograph courtesy of Mark Salter
Rock Type Quarried Carboniferous Limestone
Climbing Style Trad
Approach Time 10 minutes
Area Inland Limestone
WGS-84 Location 51.778883, -3.382083
OS Grid Ref. SO 04745 09818
WGS-84 Parking Location 51.778292, -3.386551
GR Parking Location SO 044 097
Parking Postcode CF48 2TU
Base Elevation 321 metres (SRTM Estimation)
General Info
Faces Direction North West
Aspect Rarely Sunny
Wind Sheltered Never
Climbing Type Family
Midge Problem Mild
Seepage Quick drying
Crags Within 10.0 km

Abertysswg, Baltic Quarry, Bridge Cliff, Cefn Coed - East, Cefn Coed - West, Cefnpennar, Dan-y-Darren Quarry, Darren Fach, Darren Fawr, Deri, Dyffryn Crawnon, Morlais Quarries, Taf Fechan, Trefil, Troedyrhiw, Twynau Gwynion Quarries, Upper Mountain Ash, Vaynor


A limestone quarry with mostly trad routes and 2 former one-bolt routes. (Bolts stolen some years ago).


A series of four limestone quarries situated on the west and north slopes of Morlais Hill about 1¾ miles north of Merthyr Tydfil. Each of the quarries has its own atmosphere; the Lower Tier with its grassy base and extensive ledges has a pleasant, sheltered feel, the Middle Tier is very open and popular with groups. It has plenty of routes at all grades and provides good views north to the Brecon Beacons. The Upper Tier has a secluded feel despite being the closest to the road, whilst the East Tier is situated in an industrial moonscape.

Generally the climbs are clean and free of debris, although they can be a little polished on the Middle Tier. The quarries get plenty of sun but are hideous places to climb if at all wet.

Note that car theives are extremely active in this area, so leave no valuables in your vehicles.


  1. Lower, Middle and Upper Tiers
    Approach from the roundabout at the junction between the A465 Heads of the Valleys road and the A470 Cardiff to Brecon road. Follow the A465 east and take the first exit after 1/4 mile. This leads to an offset crossroads. Head almost straight across the junction sign-posted Pontsticill - Torpantau - Talybont. Follow the road through Trefechan to eventually reach a junction just before a pub (Aberglais Inn).

    For the Lower and Middle Tiers park on the sweeping bend of the road here, or ask the pub owners if you can use their car park. To get to the crag, head north up the road slightly, and follow the footpath that starts near the entrance to car park of the (currently closed and boarded up) Pontsarn Inn. From the north side of the carpark a path descends to a disused railway line. Head right on the old platform under the road bridge and cross the viaduct; then turn right onto the Morlais Heritage Trail. Almost immediately turn left to ascend steeply up a path to the centre of the Middle Tier.

    For the Upper Tier and alternative approach to the middle tiers turn right (signposted Dowlais) over a bridge and up a hill. Before the top of the hill (GR 049092) a minor junction is reached with a disused tramway leading off to the left. Park around here (considerately). A fence with an access point 100m right of the tramway provides access to the Upper Tier, whilst the tramway itself is followed pleasantly to the Windy Wall section of the Middle Tier.
  2. East Tier
    Approach from the Lower or Middle Tier by walking up and southeast to GR SO056096 – an obvious north-facing buttress with two vertical cracks bounded to the left by a corner.

    Alternmatively approach from the Brecon Mountain Railway Station GR SO059098 by walking along the base of the quarried escarpment westwards to the crag.


Walk off at various points.


Lower Tier

The right-hand end of the cliff is reached by a path descending from the left end of the Middle Tier beneath the Great Wall. The left end of the cliff is bounded by an earth mound, whilst the centre has a descent path running from left to right.

  1. Terminal Arête 15m VD
    A broken slab above the top of the earth mound at the left end of the quarry.

  2. More Lice 15m VS,4c
    At the base of the earth mound is a buttress, climb a depression in the centre of this to a ledge and saplings. Finish either up the groove or the wall to its right (better, but bold).

  3. Maul Ice 15m S
    On the right side of the buttress is a borehole, climb just right of this to a small grassy ledge. Finish up the corner.

    25m right again are some bushes on a grassy ledge 2m above the quarry floor.

  4. Noviciate 24m S
    Just left of the bushes is a cracked groove. Climb this to a grass ledge, step right and continue up the wall and short groove to finish straight up the wall.

  5. Hawthorn Wall 27m S
    Behind the bushes is another groove, climb this to a grass ledge, then continue up the wall trending right to ledge. Finish up the groove on the left.

  6. Comici Special 27m HVS,5a
    Climb a short left facing corner 5m right of Hawthorn Special to a ledge, then walls via another grass ledge. Finish via a groove and crack.

    5m right again is a hawthorn bush with a short blocky arête above it.

  7. Delivery 27m HVS,5a *
    Ascend the wall 1m left of the bush to a ledge, move left and up ledges to a groove, then right to the top.

  8. Manibus Abort 30m VS,4b
    Climb the groove above the bush to a grass ledge, then up to a frail tree. Traverse left to the groove of Delivery and then step right and climb a steep wall and short walls above.

  9. R.I.P. 24m VS,4b
    Right again is a left-facing corner, just left of an arête. Climb the corner to a grass ledge, traverse left to a steep, loose, groove which is followed to the top.

  10. The Sickle 24m VS,4c *
    Climb the left-hand of a trio of grooves just right of the arête to a grassy terrace. Continue up for 3m, move right and then follow a groove to the top.

  11. Central Groove 7m S
    The central groove.

  12. The Grunt 7m HVS,5b
    Layback strenuously up the right-hand groove.

  13. Raspberries 25m HVS,4c
    Climb the shattered crack between The Grunt and Greenmantle, then follow the discontinuous walls above.

  14. Greenmantle 27m HVS,5a *
    Climb the borehole 3m right of The Grunt to a grassy terrace then mantleshelf on to a small ledge 3m left of the arête. Follow discontinuous walls above, keeping just left of the arête.

    A wide ledge (descent route) now crosses the face at half-height. The next routes start from this.

  15. Wall Street 7m E1,5a
    An unprotected route climbing the wall just left of centre and above a bush.

  16. Bahama Crisis 7m HVS,5b
    The vague crack midway between Wall Street and Cerebellum.

    Right again is a tufaceous scoop with cracks on either side of it.

  17. Cerebellum 7m HVS,5b *
    Climb the left-hand crack. There is an alternative version, which gains the scoop from the crack.

  18. Khamil Rhouge 12m E2,6a *
    Start as for the scoop version of Cerebellum, but finish up the right-hand side of the nose of the scoop.

  19. Compact 7m VS,4b
    Climb the right-hand crack past a small tree.

  20. Corset 36m VS,4c
    This pleasant traverse requires a good knowledge of the next few routes. Begin at the right end of the ledge of Exile. Climb up and move right, go round the corner to a ledge and continue to a small groove (PR on The Go Between). Traverse across grass ledges around an arête and step down to a grassy ledge beneath the summit overhang. Step right and finish as for Narcotic.

    To the right the wall is crossed by a rightward-sloping ramp.

  21. Crisis, What Crisis? 12m E4,6b
    Climb the vague arêtes between Compact and Exile with a hard start.

  22. Exile 12m E3,5c
    Committing with no protection. Start left of the ramp and then follow it to a red groove. Leave the groove by moving left to reach good holds near the top.

  23. Dead Red 12m E3,5c
    As for Exile to the red groove but continue rightwards to gain a second groove.

  24. Morlais Eliminate 12m E3,5c
    The wall immediately right of Dead Red is poorly protected. Climb it to a poor PR at a thin overlap and continue via a short crack to a move left at the top.

  25. Triple Cross 17m E3,5c *
    Climb the shallow groove between Dead Red and The Go Between, exit right to a small toe ledge then up left to the top.

  26. The Go Between 27m E2,5b *
    Start 3m right of a tree. Climb easily to a short groove leading to the top, PR.

  27. Whispering Grass 33m HVS,5a
    Start at a corner at the back of a small bay, 6m right of the tree. Climb the corner past two ledges to finish up and right above a bush on grassy ledges.

  28. Busy Bee 33m HS,4a
    Climb the buttress 3m right of the small bay, then follow the shallow arête until it merges into a corner and a finishing crack.

  29. Gallery 30m VS,4b *
    Bold in the middle. Climb a corner above a grass ledge 4m right of Busy Bee and 6m left of a prominent borehole. From its top follow a further groove until a grass ledge can be reached on the right. Move leftwards and follow a corner on the left side of the summit overhang.

  30. Narcotic 30m VS,4b
    Ascend the groove 2m right of Gallery to a ledge. Move slightly right and climb water-stained rock to the right side of the summit overhang and the top.

  31. Bore 12m HVS,5a
    Climb the borehole 4m right of Narcotic to a ledge. Follow water-worn grooves up to an easy rightward-traverse just below the top.

  32. Green Corner 12m S
    The obvious corner is climbed to a big ledge. Walk right to a groove which is followed to the top.

  33. Flake Crack 12m VD
    The crack on the right wall of the corner. Walk right along the ledge to gain the finishing groove.

  34. Double Constraint 12m S
    Right of Green Corner is a small bay with a shallow groove in its left wall. Climb this to a ledge and then a tree. Move right to finish up the groove.

  35. T.A.P. 6m VD
    10m right of Double Constraint is a small tree at the base of a groove, gain and climb the groove.

Middle Tier

At the left-hand end is a bay whose right-hand side is formed by the obvious Great Wall. Right of this is easier angled terrain, terminating in the vertical Castle Bay. After some more broken ground (The Ramparts) the crag regains its composure with Windy Wall which lies above a platform of rock and has overhangs at the top.

  1. Old Friends 13m VD
    The arête of the left wall of Great Wall Bay.

Great Wall

  1. To The Batmobile 15m HVS,5b *
    Start on a ledge a third of the way up the left-hand side of the Great Wall. Climb a crack past a sapling with a hard move left near the top.

  2. Grace Under Pressure 15m E1,5b
    The wall right of To The Batmobile.

  3. Phobia 18m E2,5c *
    Climb the obvious water-worn groove, to the overlap. Traverse right along a sloping ramp to the finish.

  4. The Rattling Finish 17m E1,5c *
    As for Phobia, but climb the overhang direct, peg.

  5. Blade Runner 18m E3,5c **
    Good technical climbing. Climb Phobia for 3m, then move right to a narrow ledge. Climb straight up then right to another ledge, PR. Follow the crack leftwards to finish as for Phobia.

  6. Morlais in a Tramps Vest - E5 6a **
    Start as for Rogues Gallery, gain ledge on left at 20ft, move slightly left and climb direct to join Blade Runner, from its second PR climb direct via a great move on undercuts to gain good holds and the top. The starting section shared with Rogues Gallery is very bold and has a nasty landing! 18m.

  7. Rogues Gallery 18m E5,6b *[1]
    Start just right of Phobia at a shallow groove. Climb the groove to a thin ledge on the left. Move up right, BR (missing) and continue boldly to a ledge at two-thirds height. Move left to a thin finishing crack.

  8. No Mercy 21m E6,6c *[2]
    The wall between Rogues Gallery and Partners in Crime. A faint thin crack leads to a ledge. Move up rightwards via ripples to pass a BR (missing). Finish with less difficulty.

  9. Partners in Crime 18m E5,6c **
    Start below a line of thin cracks on the right side of the wall. Climb the crack to where it fades, then make hard moves to pass a PR. Continue, PR, to reach a ledge at two-thirds height. Traverse left to finish up a thin crack.

  10. Fly Arête 18m HS
    Start 2m left of the right arête of the Great Wall. Climb the wall to swing right onto a ledge on the arête. Follow the arête to the top.

  11. Massascent Groove 18m VD *
    The groove and crack starting to the right of the arête of the Great Wall.

  12. Ledge Way 18m VD
    Right again is an open left-facing corner. Climb the corner or its left wall, then either move left to a ledge or continue direct up the corner. Finish straight up the groove or step right to ledges.

  13. Eliminate Slab 18m HVS,4b
    The smooth face just right of the corner is bold.

  14. Tiptoe 15m S *
    Right of Eliminate Slab is a ledge at 1m. Climb the shallow right-facing corner above the ledge.

  15. Spectacle 15m VD *
    About 2m right of Tiptoe is a borehole. Climb the shallow indefinite groove above it.

  16. Serpent 15m VD
    Start just left of an overhanging block. Climb over the small overlap and finish up easy slabs above.

  17. Lost Groove 15m D
    The left-hand groove between the overhanging block and a narrow prow. Scrambling remains.

  18. Two Corners 15m VD *
    The right-hand groove between the overhanging block and a narrow prow. Climb the groove and corner above.

  19. S.T.E.P. 15m S
    Climb the groove right of the prow to ledges. Finish via the corner up and to the right.

Castle Bay

Castle Bay is the steeply walled bay 12m right of the narrow prow. In the back wall of the bay are some obvious polished grooves – the line of Top Cat.

  1. Gold Medal 13m VS,4b
    This takes the blank-looking wall left of the grooves of Top Cat.

  2. Top Cat 13m S
    The obvious polished grooves in the back wall of the bay.

  3. Name Game 13m HS,4a
    Interesting climbing up the wall right of Top Cat.

  4. Great Corner 13m S *
    The back corner of the bay is good, but can be wet.

  5. Castle Wall 11m VS,4b *
    The first obvious crack on the right wall of Castle Bay.

  6. Arisk 9m VS,4b
    Climb a thin crack in the centre of the wall right of Castle wall. Climb diagonally right (4b) or directly up (4c) from the ledge to finish.

  7. Squeeze It In 9m E1,5a
    Contrived. Climb the wall right of Arisk to a ledge. Move left into Arisk and finish direct.

  8. Wall Cracks 6m HVS,5a *
    The thin cracks at the right end of the wall, PRs.

  9. By The Tips Of Your Toes E1 5b
    Direct start to "Wall Cracks". Start on two undercuts, reach left into a two finger pocket, then reach left into the base of the crack.

The Ramparts

Castle Bay ends at a short arête. About 5m right of the arête is a ledge and corner at two-thirds height.

  1. Dirty Corner 9m D
    Reach the ledge at 6m via a groove on the left (D), or more enjoyably by the steep buttress beneath (5a) or the wall to the right (4b).
    1. Var 1
    2. Var 2

  2. Sixties Groove 9m VD
    The pleasant, shallow, left-facing groove/corner right of Dirty Corner.

  3. Easy Route 12m M
    About 3m right of Sixties Route is a gently-angled, polished groove.

    There now follows a 50m section of broken cliff before a more continuous section rises from a rock platform some 5m above the quarry floor. About 8m left of a tree at the left end of the platform is a low-angled buttress.

  4. Rocks Like The Rockies 18m S
    Climb the groove in the gently angled buttress to the overlap. Traverse left beneath the overlap to finish up another groove.

Windy Wall

This crag lies above the rock platform at the right end of the Middle Tier. Above the left end of the platform is a ledge.

  1. Griptight 6m HS,4b
    Climb the corner to the left of an obvious horizontal scaffolding bar.

  2. Gripfix 7m HS,4b
    Climb the centre of the wall right of Griptight starting at the scaffolding bar.

  3. Parting Company 18m S
    From the left end of the main face of Windy Wall climb a shallow groove to a ledge. Finish up another groove formed by the left side of two detached blocks.

  4. Windy 18m HVS,5b
    Start beneath the right of the detached blocks. Climb the serious lower wall, then the crack splitting the blocks.

  5. Pullover 18m HVS,5a
    A serious climb starting just right of a borehole. Climb up left to a shallow recess then over the overhang and up the wall above.

  6. Breezing 18m HVS,5b
    Climb the wall 2m right of Pullover, PR. Finish past the left end of the overhang.

  7. Overdrive 18m E1,5a
    Climb the wall 2m right of Pullover to the overhang, which is climbed on its right side.

  8. Oxo 18m VS,4b
    Climb to the steep corner on the right of the overhangs, then traverse left to beneath blocks. Pass the blocks on either side.

  9. Philanderer 13m VS,4c *
    Start as for Oxo but continue up the corner.

  10. Blue Buska 13m E3,5c *
    Climb up to a bulge just right of Philanderer, gain the hanging groove via a gymnastic move (2 old BRs) and follow it to the top.

  11. Grease Monkey 12m VD
    Climb the open left-facing groove 2m right of Philanderer.

  12. Groovy 12m S
    This takes the obvious clean cut groove just right of Grease Monkey.

  13. Pull Through 12m S
    Climb the worn slab just right of Groovy, to finish through a gap in the blocky overhang.

  14. Blockhead 12m S
    Climb the right side of the narrow slab to pass right of the overhangs via a short groove.

  15. Tree Corner 12m S *
    Climb the obvious tree-less groove in the centre of the buttress.

  16. Split Buttress 12m VD
    Climb the shallow groove in the front of the small prow, then the left side of the wall above.

  17. Fork Left 9m VS,4c
    Right of the small prow is a groove that splits at half-height. Climb the left fork.

  18. Fork Right 9m S,4a
    Follow Fork Left but finish by the right fork.

  19. Sting 8m VD
    Climb the groove 2m right of the Fork routes.

Upper Tier

Some 100m right of the left-hand end of the quarry is hawthorn tree at the top of the crag. Below are a grey wall and a left to right slanting ramp.

  1. Bypass 13m D
    Begin beneath an arête (Elastic) 4m left of the hawthorn at the top. Climb the rightward-slanting ramp.

  2. Elastic 10m VS,4b
    The left arête of the wall above Bypass, avoiding easy ground on the left.

  3. Guts 10m VS,4b
    Follow Bypass to a small arête. From the arête, climb the wall above.

  4. After Dinner Crack 10m VS,4b
    Follow Bypass, then a thin crack 1m right of Guts.

  5. Extension 9m HVS 5a
    About 1m right of the finish of Bypass is a short wall leading to some cracks. Climb these to pull through a steep area onto the arête. Finish next to Bypass.

  6. Left Hand Trinity 9m E1,5b
    The first of three cracks that start above ledge-ridden ground. Bold and with some very loose rock at the top. Poor.

  7. Central Trinity 9m VS,4b
    The second crack is steep and sustained but with slightly better rock than its harder neighbour.

  8. Right Hand Trinity 9m S
    The third crack has plenty of protection but still retains worrying finishing holds.

  9. Ledge and Corner 9m VD
    The corner that starts above the ledges just right of Right Hand Trinity.

  10. Intermission 16m VS,4c
    The wall is now higher. Climb the slight left-facing groove, avoiding the worst rock by moving out onto the arête.

  11. The Writer 16m VS,4b
    Right of Intermission is a shallow right-facing corner. Gain this, then climb it, taking care with the rock.

    A diagonal descent rake leads down to the next section. About 15m right of the base of the descent is a hawthorn tree some 3m up, above a trio of ledges below a white wall.

  12. Hiccup 15m HVS,4c
    About 4m left of the hawthorn is a flake crack. Climb the wall right of the flake crack until it is possible to swing left above it. Climb the wall above.

  13. Morning Star 15m E3,6a *
    The wall 3m right of Hiccup.

  14. Clive’s Crack 21m HVS,5a
    Start 3m right of the tree. Reach a borehole and follow this to reach a grassy ledge on the right.

  15. Fairy Steps 27m VD
    This climbs the obvious diagonal line from right to left, starting 10m right of Clive’s Crack.

  16. Evening Gem 18m E4,6a *
    The line of the quarry. Climb the shallow, rounded groove above the start of Fairy Steps and 3m left of a brown stain. Exit left or directly and climb the short wall to a tree.

  17. Autonomy 18m E2,5b
    Climb the series of grooves between Evening Gem and the brown stain, to a final wide crack.

  18. Stretch 18m VS,4b
    Climb the brown-stained wall moving left to a groove just above half-height.

  19. Zig Zag 27m HS,4a
    This climbs the right to left ramp 5m right of Stretch.

  20. Hair Of The Dog 12m E3,6a *
    Start just right of Zig Zag and climb between two flakes to follow a borehole, PR.

  21. Afternoon Delight 9m E2,5c *
    Start at a tree 9m right of Hair Of The Dog. Climb the wall PR, then mantleshelf left to a faint corner at the top.

  22. High Noon 9m E2,6a *
    The crack and short corner 2m right of Afternoon Delight, PR.

    A broken section of crag runs across to a protruding wall.

  23. Snuff Stuff 9m VS,4b
    The slanting groove in the left side of the wall. Unprotected.

  24. Compact Slab 10m VD
    The compact slab 12m right of Snuff Stuff is gained from its left edge and exited on its left. A direct start is 6a.

Midway between the Upper Tier and the tramline to the Middle Tier is another quarry with a good section of rock at its centre. This has produced a number of climbs up to 15m in height at various grades. No documentation of these climbs has come to light, so the faces remain for your unconstrained pleasure.

East Tier

See Approach 2 for access to this north-facing buttress. It has two vertical cracks and is bounded on the left by a corner.

  1. Little Owl 15m S
    Climb the corner.

  2. One Between The Eyes 15m HVS,5a
    The left-hand crack.

  3. Terminator 15m E2,5c
    The fainter right-hand crack.


Lower Tier

  1. C.Shorrock 00.08.2001
  2. M.Salter, C.Shorrock 00.10.2001
  3. C.Shorrock, M.Salter 00.10.2001
  4. C.Mortlock Pre-1973
  5. C.Mortlock Pre-1973
  6. J.Harwood, P.Thomas 02.07.1975
  7. J.Harwood, S.Lewis 21.04.1976
  8. Unknown Pre-1991
  9. A.Sharp, S.Evans 00.00.1974
  10. Unknown Pre-1978
  11. C.Shorrock, M.Salter 00.10.2001
  12. P.Thomas solo Pre-1991
  13. P.Bruten, L.Davies 00.08.1984
  14. Unknown 00.00.1973
  15. T.Penning, G.Horler 00.00.1983
  16. T.Penning, K.Barrat 00.00.1983
  17. J.Harwood, C.Horsfield 14.07.1976
  18. L.Davies, P.Thomas 00.06.1986
  19. J.Harwood solo 08.02.76
  20. J.Harwood, J.Matthews 19.05.1976
  21. A.Sharp, L.Sharp 00.00.1981
  22. A. Sharp, L.Sharp 00.00.1981
  23. A. Sharp, L.Sharp 00.00.1981
  24. T.Penning 00.00.1984
  25. T.Penning, P.Cresswell 00.00.1983
  26. J.Harwood, I.Carey 15.09.1976 (1. pt.)
    FFA A.Sharp, J.Harwood 21.08.1980
  27. J.Harwood, P.Thomas 02.07.1975
  28. J.Harwood, S.Lewis 21.04.1976
  29. J.Harwood, P.Thomas 25.06.1973
  30. S.Lewis, J.Harwood 21.04.1976
  31. Unknown Pre-1991
  32. N.Grant, N.Kingsford 00.00.1976
  33. Unknown Pre-1991
  34. D. Ellis Pre-1974
  35. Unknown Pre-1991

Middle Tier

  1. D.Webb, C.Shorrock 00.00.2001

Great Wall

  1. D.Hillier, A.Cummings 00.00.1982
  2. A.Cummings 00.00.1980
  3. P.Watkin A1 Pre-1973
    FFA P.Thomas, J.Harwood 18.09.1975
  4. T.Penning, A.Sharp 00.00.1982
  5. T.Penning, A.Sharp etc. 00.00.1982
  6. M.Richards and A.Sharp 03.08.14
  7. G.Gibson 00.09.1984
  8. G.Gibson 00.05.1985
  9. C.Jones - Partners A1 00.00.1970
    FFA A.Sharp, J.Harwood 10.06.1983
  10. Unknown Pre-1978
  11. Unknown Pre-1978
  12. Unknown Pre-1978
  13. Unknown Pre-1978
  14. Unknown Pre-1978
  15. Unknown Pre-1978
  16. Unknown Pre-1978
  17. Unknown Pre-1978
  18. Unknown Pre-1978
  19. M.Danford, P.Wood 00.00.1973

Castle Bay

  1. A.Sharp, P.Hamer 00.00.1984
  2. Unknown Pre-1978
  3. P.Hamer, A.Sharp 00.00.1984
  4. Unknown Pre-1978
  5. Unknown Pre-1978
  6. Unknown Pre-1978
  7. G.Horler, N.Ward, M.Rose, M.Broomfield, S.Rack, D.Barton 00.00.1984
  8. J.Harwood 23.07.1975
  9. Jack Whiteside 07.05.13

The Ramparts

  1. Unknown Pre-1978
  2. Unknown Pre-1970
  3. Unknown Pre-1973
  4. C.Shorrock, D.Webb 00.00.2001

Windy Wall

  1. Unknown Pre-1978
  2. Unknown Pre-1978
  3. Unknown Pre-1978
  4. J.Harwood (unseconded) 15.09.1976
  5. K.Hughes, D.Hillman 00.00.1970
  6. C.Court, K.Anderson, A.Jones 00.00.1984
  7. Unknown Pre-1978
  8. Unknown Pre-1978
  9. Unknown Pre-1978
  10. T.Penning, A.Sharp 00.00.1982
  11. Unknown Pre-1978
  12. Unknown Pre-1978
  13. Unknown Pre-1978
  14. Unknown Pre-1978
  15. Unknown Pre-1978
  16. M.Danford, P.Wood 00.00.1971
  17. Unknown Pre-1978
  18. M.Danford, P.Wood 00.00.1971
  19. Unknown Pre-1978

Upper Tier

  1. Unknown Pre-1991
  2. J.Harwood solo 15.08.1980
  3. Unknown 08.02.76
  4. Unknown 08.02.76, solo
  5. A.Sharp, J.Harwood 21.08.1980
  6. Unknown Pre-1991
  7. M.Salter, C.Shorrock 00.10.2001
  8. C.Shorrock, M.Salter 00.10.2001
  9. Unknown Pre-1991
  10. J.Harwood, C. Horsfield 23/07/75
  11. Unknown Pre-1991
  12. J.Harwood solo 03.07.1975
  13. T.Penning, J.Harwood 23.06.1985
  14. J. Harwood (unseconded) 03.07.1975
  15. Unknown Pre-1978
  16. P.Littlejohn, J.Mothersele 00.00.1977
    P.George, D.Hart - Direct Finish 00.00.1989
  17. J.Harwood, W.Gray 23.02.1977
  18. Unknown Pre-1991
  19. P.Watkin 00.00.1970
  20. T.Penning, C.Court 00.00.1985
  21. C.Court, T.Penning 00.00.1985
  22. C.Court, T.Penning 00.00.1985
  23. T.Penning solo 00.00.1985
  24. M.Salter 00.10.2001

East Tier

  1. A.Giles. R.Davies 00.00.1988
  2. A.Giles, R.Davies 00.00.1988
  3. R.Powles, A.Hughes 00.00.1988


  1. Led "trad" by M.Crocker and J.Harwood - 3/5/2010. Email to T.Hoddy from J.Harwood 5th August 2021
  2. Led "trad" by M.Crocker and J.Harwood - 29/8/2010. Email to T.Hoddy from J.Harwood 5th August 2021