Prissen's Tor

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Prissen's Tor
Prissens tor.jpg
Rock Type Natural Carboniferous Limestone
Climbing Style Trad
Approach Time 25 minutes
Area Gower
Sub Area North Gower
WGS-84 Location 51.619862, -4.275357
OS Grid Ref. SS 425 936
WGS-84 Parking Location 51.618646, -4.255126
GR Parking Location SS 439 935
Parking Postcode SA3 1DJ
Base Elevation 3 metres (Other)
General Info
Faces Direction South
Aspect Sunny
Wind Sheltered Seldomly
Climbing Type Family
Midge Problem Never
Seepage Quick drying
Before/After Low Tide 5.0 hours (See Note)
Crags Within 600m

Hills Tor, Prissen's Tor


No bolting allowed


A small south-facing wall of compact limestone on a nice beach, the under-side of tilted strata. From left to right it increases in height up to about 14m max and has a steep lower half. The left side in particular is conducive to soloing, having a good sandy landing. Slightly harder lines go through the overlap on the right, at grades not exceeding HVS. Some worthwhile traversing and easy bouldering may also be found.

The crag is somewhat isolated but is worth the effort as the climbing here is better, in some respects, than Little Tor and is also suitable for families.[1] Be warned however! The bottom half of most of the climbs are rather awkward and, were it not for the sandy landings, would be a full grade harder.

The right side of the crag is just about non-tidal, the left side is accessible at mid-tide or earlier.

Jeremy Talbot believed that Spritsail Tor and Prissen's Tor were distinct places.[2]


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From the Cwm Ivy car park head back up the road for 80m and take lane to the right for 800m until you get reach the Whiteford Bay Premier Leisure Park. Just before the site is a path leading off to the right and, after 170m takes a left turn through a gate. Follow this path for 280m to a point where the path splits. Take the right fork in the direction of the beach. When you reach the beach, head north (R) for 100m. (1.7Km)


Main Wall

The left side of the crag is about 8m high and may be climbed anywhere at around VD to Severe standard on generally good rock. To the right the wall reaches 12-14m. The best routes are on this section, right of an obvious quartz crack.

  1. Easy Way Up - H.Diff
    Starts just left of where the topo shows Amoeba. 5m.

  2. Amoeba 8m VD
    The left side of the black wall then continue right of the arête.

  3. Flex 8m S,4a
    A few metres left of the quartz crack, the black wall directly climbed in the centre.

  4. Lazy Eye 14m VS,4b
    Climb the quartz crack, pull rightwards through the bulge on good undercuts then continue easily up the left side of the upper wall .

  5. Pockets a Pulling 14m VD *
    Start 2m right at a crack. Climb the centre of the wall pulling easily through the overlap and continuing direct.

  6. Elephant Head 14m VS,4c *
    Start up slabby rock just right of the crack, through the bulge then easier upper wall right of centre.

  7. Thread a Licking 14m HS,4b
    Right again, pull through the right side of the bulge, easily up the right hand edge of the upper wall on good holds.

  8. Just Bomber Gear 20m HVS,4c *
    A left to right traverse of the wall, at the level of the bulge. Start at a rail on the left side of the crag, boldly traverse the black wall to the start of the bulge, follow this all the way across, pulling onto the easy finishing wall at a large flake.

Sandy Slabs

Round the back of the crag (north side) is a easy-angled slab with two routes.

Sandy Slabs
  1. Twin Cracks - S
    Follw the quartz tramlines to the top

  2. Crack and Arête - D
    Unprotected route to the right reaching the arête at half height.

First Ascents

Many routes may well have been done before the ascents recorded here.

Main Wall

  1. Easy Way Up - S. Hill, M. Hill 22/05/2019
  2. Amoeba - N. Taylor 26/08/1995 o/s solo
  3. Flex - N. Taylor 26/08/1995 o/s solo
  4. Lazy Eye - N. Taylor 26/08/1995 o/s solo
  5. Pockets a Pulling - B. Doherty, C. McClune 19/05/2018
  6. Elephant Head - N. Taylor 26/08/1995 o/s solo
  7. Thread a Licking - C. McClune, B. Doherty 22/05/2018
  8. Just Bomber Gear - C. McClune, B. Doherty 22/05/2018

Sandy Slabs

  1. Twin Cracks -
  2. Crack and Arête -



  1. However, Talbot (1970), p.139, doesn't think much of the crag; "Apart from some very problematic moves on the lower rocks of Prissen's Tor, there is very little of interest."
  2. Talbot (1970), p.139,
    "At the eastern side of Broughton Bay, easily reached from Llangenith or Broughton Burrows in about 15—20 min. There are two sets of slabs about 50—60ft. above the beach affording a pleasant selection of short climbs of varying grades. No attempt at route classification has been made. A visit to Spritsail Tor cave with its obvious square-cut double entrance is interesting and worthwhile."
    The two caves referred to above are high on the back (north) side of Prissen's Tor. The slabs near the caves' entrances appear insignificant. It's possible that Talbot is referring here to the collection of slabs some 150m to the north-east of Prissen's Tor. A photo of these slabs can be seen in the Additional Photos section.